Yolanda Tong
English | At Orykl since 2023Yolanda, raised in a Pentecostal Christian family in western Canada, discovered her intuitive gifts at 21 through a psychic reading. Her spiritual awakening led her to explore spirituality and her abilities while traveling, eventually channeling through automatic writing in Tokyo. In Hong Kong, she experienced voice channeling for the first time. Yolanda's move to Melbourne in 2009 and the birth of her son in 2013 marked the next level of her work, combining channeling with energy healing. Now, she offers "Channeled Healing" sessions globally, helping clients unlock their potential and embody their gifts through transformative energy and insightful guidance.
My Story
I didn’t grow up knowing I had intuitive gifts. In fact, my childhood was far from what you’d expect for someone who became a channeler. Raised in a Pentecostal household, I was taught that anything psychic was “devil’s work” and to be avoided at all costs. While my mother occasionally experienced unexplained phenomena, we didn’t have the words to describe it, and it was never discussed.
Everything changed when I was 21. At a friend’s birthday party, a psychic gave readings to the guests. I was nervous and skeptical but also curious. Sitting across from her, I was stunned—she shared details about my life no one could possibly know. Then she said something that shook me to my core: “You have my gift. One day, you’ll sit in my chair, telling people they have this gift too.”
Up until that moment, I’d been searching for what I was meant to do. Her words clicked in a way nothing else ever had. I began devouring books and practicing exercises to connect with spirit guides. Living abroad at the time, I found a book called Opening to Channel. It came with exercises, and I realized how naturally channeling came to me. I was connecting with my guides and receiving clear messages, but I dismissed it, thinking anyone could do this.
In 2005, during an impromptu session with friends, something profound happened. As I channeled guidance, a spirit guide suddenly took over and spoke through me. My voice changed, and my friends were amazed. A few days later, I channeled for 7 hours straight, giving everyone detailed readings. I finally realized I had a unique gift, but I was still hesitant to fully embrace it.
For years, I tried to fit into more “mainstream” spiritual roles like psychic or energy healer. Channeling felt too strange, too “out there,” and I feared being judged—even by myself. It wasn’t until friends kept coming to me for channeling that I began to accept it as my calling. Around 2009, I decided to own my gift and step into my role as a channeler.
My channeling has evolved over time. In the beginning, I connected with whoever came through—angels, spirit guides, higher selves—but I longed for a consistent team. When I asked for this, Mother Mary came through. Her presence was transformative, helping me heal wounds from my religious upbringing and offering guidance during a challenging period as a new mother. Later, I began channeling a 6th-dimensional Galactic collective, and my work shifted again, blending channeling with energy work. This combination helped me create a unique modality focused on gifts, purpose, and path.
Today, my work is all about helping others uncover their unique gifts, align with their purpose, and confidently walk their path. I know what it feels like to question yourself, to wonder if your way of doing things is valid. But I’ve learned that the magic lies in embracing your individuality and trusting your inner guidance. That’s the journey I walk with my clients—and it’s the journey I’m honored to guide others through every day.