The image features a woman with long, curly dark hair. She is wearing a sleeveless, patterned top and is standing against a black background. The lighting highlights her face, giving it a warm and bright appearance.
Sacred Valley, Peru (GMT-5:00)

Natalia Grace

English , Spanish , French , Arabic | At Orykl since 2025
About Natalia

Natalia: Navigator of the Holographic Field & Translator of Consciousness. For the last decade, Natalia walked a deep shamanic path, guided by her connection to Spirit. She experienced an accelerated initiation in Peru, along with her spontaneous light body activation, unlocking the gifts of navigating the holographic field and receiving the blueprint of Quantum Energy Technology. She works with Wayshowers & Warriors of God, empowering them to claim their divine essence and embody their inner warrior. Her work activates them to navigate their awakening and quantum existence, living through higher states of consciousness, devoted to God and the light of awareness. She decodes unconscious patterns, releases distortions, and unlocks their divine codes, guiding them back to the remembrance of who they truly are. Her work consists of Quantum Energy Work, Translating Consciousness Mentorship, Light Body Integration, Temazcal Ceremonies, In Person Vision Quests & Quantum Health Consultation.

Sessions Offered
Quantum Energy Work

Quantum Healing Akashic Records Shamanic Healing

90 min sessions available

Quantum Energy Work is a root cause-oriented technology that accesses the quantum field (akash) to trace and unplug the source program of limiting patterns, whether from this life, other lifetimes, or dimensions. It works as a reprogramming and embodiment technology, decoding how these patterns manifest in your present reality—emotional loops, belief systems, and repetitive situations—recoding them on an energetic level and empowering you to integrate the necessary change. The session is a multidimensional journey with sound frequency tunes, often involving holographic surgeries, inner child healing, trauma & soul integration, shadow work, and receiving higher intelligence. It activates dormant source light codes within your DNA, unlocking accelerated codes from your original blueprint. This work is for wayshowers and warriors of God, wanting to live your life through higher states of consciousness, empowered to claim your divine essence and devoted to God and the light of awareness.

Light Body / Kundalini Integration

Spiritual Counselling

60 min sessions available

This personalized guidance and mentorship session supports grounding and integrating your Light Body (Kundalini) Activation experience and receiving education on quantum light information. It assists you in shifting your lifestyle to align with your new reality and become attuned to your light body’s needs. You’ll receive tools to translate your experience, integrate new codes, and understand your metamorphosis process from an energetic standpoint. The session also provides navigation systems for multidimensional quantum existence and supports your activated heightened senses. Ideal for those undergoing intense spiritual awakenings, spontaneous light body / kundalini activations, or heightened energetic shifts, this session empowers you to embrace your upgraded self, navigate quantum multidimensional existence, and align with your path. It’s perfect for those seeking clarity, grounding, and tools to integrate their expanded state of being into daily life.

Translating Consciousness Mentorship

Spiritual Counselling

60 min sessions available

Translating Consciousness is a personalized guidance and mentorship designed to support you navigate the energetic world, translate your reality from a conscious perspective, and decode your life experiences with devotion to the light. Together, we enhance your ability to understand challenges, identify looping patterns, and shed light on shadows, enabling you to alchemize unconscious behaviours into conscious ones. Through this process, you activate, expand into, and embody higher states of consciousness while integrating them into your daily life. This mentorship empowers you to take charge of your life by allowing the light of awareness to lead, rather than unconscious energies that keep you stuck or disempowered. Why translate higher consciousness? Because it allows you to pierce through distortions, rise as your empowered, heart-centered self, and align fully with your devotion to God and consciousness. You already know—there is no other way.

Book a Session with Natalia
30 Minute Session N/A
60 Minute Session $111
90 Minute Session $222
120 Minute Session N/A
Natalia's Social Media
Natalia's Website